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The Eglis Outdoors

We got married. We quit our jobs. We moved to Colorado. Now we hike. Now we fish. Now we blog.
Bright Angel Trail – Grand Canyon National Park

Bright Angel Trail – Grand Canyon National Park

It is widely known that Andre and I are the best road trip buddies ever. Our 2012 trip that included the Grand Canyon was the road trip to define all future road trips. We left LA, spent a night in Vegas threatening our parents that we’d get married, hit up the Grand Canyon and then spent the majority of our days in and around Telluride, Colorado, (where we learned to fly fish!!) But the hike down into the Grand Canyon was definitely one of the most memorable hikes I have ever been on, and not for all the obvious reasons you’re thinking of, like the views. Because duh, it was amazing. It’s the Grand Canyon. Of course it was breathtaking. But you know what else is breathtaking? Hiking 9 miles in 110 degree heat. But let’s back up a bit.